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The Starship Design skill, categorized as an Expert Tech Skill, amplifies your capabilities to design and modify starships. By mastering this skill, players can craft starships tailored to their unique preferences and strategies.

Functionality of Starship Design:

Enhances your proficiency in designing and adjusting starships.

Ranks for Starship Design Skill:

Currently, there are no established ranks for this skill, and it remains non-progressive at this juncture.

Challenges for Starship Design Skill:

No challenges have been introduced for this skill as of now.

Optimal Builds for Starship Design:

  1. Intelligence Build: Centralized around bolstering your Intelligence attribute, this approach provides a foundational advantage in Starship Design endeavors. To further accentuate your prowess, players can incorporate Engineering perks.
  2. Engineering Build: This strategy emphasizes the enhancement of the Engineering attribute, directly benefiting Starship Design efficacy. Additionally, integrating Intelligence perks can be advantageous, elevating your Intelligence attribute.

Type: Tech
Tier: 4