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The Payloads skill is a specialized Tech Skill tailored to amplify your cargo-carrying capabilities. While any pilot can transport cargo, fully optimizing cargo space requires specific expertise and dedication.

Functionality of Payloads:

Enhances your cargo-carrying capacity.

Ranks of Payloads Skill:

At present, this skill doesn’t offer any ranks and remains static without the option for advancement.

Challenges Linked with Payloads:

Currently, there aren’t any challenges associated with this skill.

Best Builds for Utilizing Payloads:

  1. Ranged Build: This build emphasizes combat at a distance, integrating weapons such as lasers, railguns, and, notably, payloads. It’s an ideal pick for players preferring to remain distant from threats while still delivering significant damage.
  2. Explosives Build: This build is centered on leveraging explosives to obliterate adversaries and structures. With the Payloads skill, explosives can be further enhanced, elevating your prowess in explosive warfare.

Type: Tech
Tier: 2