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Rapid Reloading is a specialized Combat Skill tailored for those who want an edge in battle by enhancing their weapon reload speed. The ability to reload swiftly can often determine the outcome in intense combat situations.

Functionality of Rapid Reloading

It boosts your weapon’s reload speed.

Ranks of Rapid Reloading

It provides an opportunity to reload your weapon at double the regular speed.

Challenges Associated with Rapid Reloading:

One challenge to master this skill is reloading 150 empty magazines.

Optimal Builds for Rapid Reloading:

  1. Ranged Build: Emphasizes on combat from a distance using weapons like guns, bows, and crossbows. It’s ideal for those preferring to inflict damage while maintaining a safe distance from adversaries.
  2. Sniper Build: A subset of the ranged build, this focuses on long-distance engagements. Snipers excel in stealth and use of ranged weapons, aiming to neutralize foes from afar.

Type: Combat
Tier: 4